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About Automotive Interior Exclusives

Love cars, love your interior – Automotive Interior Exclusives was established in 2019 and came from a true passion for cars. 

Back in 2019, we saw a beautiful Ferrari 458 wrecked on the side motorway and this hurt our car-loving heart. All this craftmanship, technique and beauty was thrown away. However, from this tragedy a unique concept was born. 

It pains us  as Petrolheads, every time we see one of these astonishing machines crashed on the side of the road . This incredible amount of craftmanship, engineering and soul shatters into a million pieces.

When these supercars do tragically crash they still posess some beautiful parts, oftentimes not reusable, but still  in decent condition. Rather than crush, take apart or let them rust away, we, Automotive Interior Exclusives re-use these parts and convert them into the most astonishing interior accessories. 

Our aspiration is to materialise the fiery passion for the automobile. By exclusively using authentic car parts from the planets most desirable supercars an unmatched level of excellence is achieved. Respectively converting a devestating accident into a stunning reincarnation of the mighty supercar.

This is how the spirit of the fallen supercar lives on and we can make you overjoyed by bringing a tailor-made piece of your dream car into your interior.